Looking for bankruptcy courses?
Helping Clients Meet
Court Requirements
Stretto partners with professional providers to offer debtors Court-approved bankruptcy courses designed to meet consumer bankruptcy filing requirements. Debtors easily access intuitive classes with various language and payment options to meet their specific needs and facilitate individual compliance throughout the entire process.
Attorneys benefit from automated tools that simplify bankruptcy-course management and assist in ensuring sessions are completed in a timely manner. By easily viewing real-time course status, conveniently sending client reminders, and instantly accessing completion certificates, busy professionals reduce operational burdens and expedite case filings.

Facilitate Debtor Compliance
Stretto helps Attorneys ensure their clients remain compliant throughout the bankruptcy process. Our valued industry partners offer a wide variety of credit counseling and post-bankruptcy classes to help your clients meet statutory requirements.

Expert Insights
Stretto’s bankruptcy-industry veterans offer insightful perspective on relevant topics that impact Attorneys and their businesses. Our recognized experts offer thoughts on consumer-bankruptcy trends, pending litigation and legislation, as well as practical guidance on best practices that improve client satisfaction, engagement, and case-management.
Connect With An Expert
Comprised of bankruptcy-industry veterans and recognized case-management experts, Stretto’s Client Services Team is second to none. Busy professionals value Stretto as a trusted service partner for our responsiveness, attention-to-detail and our unwavering commitment to consistently go above-and-beyond to exceed clients’ expectations.